Prioritizing the autonomy of people who live on the street, Charlotte Van Buylaere and me unconditionally tried to open up an exhibition space as dwelling. This initially simple concept, confronted the initiators with hierarchical structures, ethical questions and imposed norms regarding facilities and social behaviour.
When the news was announced that we would use the exhibition space and budget for the welcoming of homeless people, we were immediately advised to quit. Everyone had different reasons, one better than the other. We were also boycotted by different instantions to use empty space to host homeless people during winter time.
We wanted to provide beds and a program where students at KASK School of Art could work with the temporary residents. This soon became a taboo and we were denied the authorisation to continue. Thus, we had to adapt.
Doing interviews - sometimes undercover, sometimes openly, we gathered material to make a publication. The whole month, there were three made-up beds waiting in the exhibition space, but we kept the door locked.
The results of our research into policy of the city of Ghent regarding homelessness were published during a final debate where the publication was available for free. We started by showing the movie KRAAK - voor het recht op wonen & tegen de leegstand (2014) by Evelien Hoedekie in collaboration with the support group for squatters Ghent, Joeri Willekens, Toon Lambrechts en Liesbeth Schroe, supported by VictoriaDeluxe VZW. Afterwards, we debated with Rudy Coddens, Dominique Willaert, Alain Slock and Simon Allemeersch.
Architecture of authority (2014)
@ Het Paviljoen, Ghent